Die Dashboards Die! Why Conversations Will Reinvent Software – Psychology of Stuff – Medium

In years to come, conversations will breathe new life into software — particularly the boring enterprise tools millions of knowledge workers begrudgingly use every day. Conversational user interfaces (CUIs) work because of our familiarity with messaging. Even the most technically complex interactions can look as simple as getting an SMS text when presented as a conversation. There…

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As a source — and a patriot — Edward Snowden deserves a presidential pardon – The Washington Post

President Obama’s administration has an unfortunate record of prosecuting whistleblowers, some of whom have been important sources for journalists. That’s not a legacy any president should want. In the waning days of his administration, the president can turn that around, not entirely, but in an important way by pardoning the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden…

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Airbnb wages ad war insisting it’s a friend to the middle class | Campaign US

Ever since he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago, Kevin, an Airbnb host in San Francisco, says the extra income his family earns through the home-sharing company has helped ease the financial burden brought on by his medical care, he explains in a recent video ad. It’s helped “mitigate the stress,” adds his…

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Why Hollywood Can Lose Billions & Still Make Terrible Movies – YouTube

SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://goo.gl/ITTCPW If you didn’t know that these movies were still being made, don’t feel bad. CLICK HERE for our new series, INTERNET CONTENT – https://goo.gl/okgTNm CLICK HERE for our new series, WE’RE NOT ALONE – http://goo.gl/cC9L5o CLICK HERE for more ROM.COM SEASON 3 – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… CLICK HERE for more ROM.COM SEASON 2 –…

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Why the Media Is Botching the Election | New Republic

Instead, Spayd echoed the defensiveness of her colleagues, attributing the liberal backlash to partisanship: I can’t help wondering about the ideological motives of those crying false balance, given that they are using the argument mostly in support of liberal causes and candidates. CNN’s Brian Stelter focused his show, ‘Reliable Sources,’ on this subject last weekend….

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Guess How Much That Anti-LGBTQ Law Is Costing North Carolina | WIRED

In March, North Carolina state legislators banned transgender people from peeing in the bathroom of their choosing. According to the law, HB2 or the “bathroom bill,” when you’re in public building—a government agency, a public school, whatever—the gender listed on your birth certificate is the only one that matters. You remember the initial hubbub: North…

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