The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey wants to sell 1 World Trade Center | Crain’s New York Business

  inheritedlink: /apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20160904/REAL_ESTATE/160909960&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&template=rwd& morning10: One World Trade Center sits at the heart of America’s most hallowed ground, a 1,776-foot-tall icon that concretely testifies to the city’s rebirth after Sept. 11, 2001. But as an investment for its owner, the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, it has been a bust. Fifteen years after…

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Amazon Just Blew the Lid Off the iPhone 7

It seems like Amazon just accidentally released its specialized page for iPhone 7 accessories—an hour before Apple was set to announce the new phone. The pictures include one iPhone with the rumored dual back-facing cameras. It also includes a link for Bluetooth headphones, which probably the confirms the long rumored removal of the headphone jack….

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Being Single Is Hard – Medium

At 5am, after a night of drinking with strangers, and pool, and fireworks in the street, and crappy pizza I was sitting in the living room with two friends. One had a serious girlfriend, and one — like me — had been single for a long time. “Being single is really hard,” I said. My friend with the girlfriend…

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