Abortion Doesn’t Negatively Affect Women’s Mental Health: Study | TIME

[if lt IE 9]> < ![endif] [if lte IE 9]>It’s the largest and most comprehensive study on the matter Google Code for TIME Remarketing Tag Remarketing tags may not be associated with personally identifiable information or placed on pages related to sensitive categories. See more information and instructions on how to setup the tag on: http://google.com/ads/remarketingsetup…

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Close to Two Million Actual Voters Ignored the Presidential Race – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Even when they voted, more people bypassed the main event than usual. Scott Shackford|Dec. 14, 2016 4:15 pm Piero Oliosi/Polaris/NewscomWe already know that one of the predictable consequences of having two unpopular major party candidates—Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton—led to poor voter turnout (when presented as a percentage of the voting population). One of the…

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North Carolina’s ‘Legislative Coup’ Is Over, and Republicans Won – The Atlantic

Google Microdata Mobile only ad Article “Cover” Legislators passed a slate of bills to sharply reduce the power of the incoming governor, over the heated objections of Democrats and hundreds of protestors. Google Metadata Protestors demonstrate against the North Carolina General Assembly on Thursday.Gerry Broome / AP START “MORE ON” SINGLE STORY BOX v. 2…

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The True Story Behind The Biggest Fake News Hit Of The Election – BuzzFeed News

In early July, a website made to look like a real news organization published what would prove to be one of the biggest fake news hits of the US election. WTOE5News.com was barely two weeks old when it published the hoax story, “Pope Francis Shocks World, Endorses Donald Trump for President, Releases Statement.” It improbably…

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Vanity Fair reporter on Trump’s response: ‘I was kind of shocked’ – Columbia Journalism Review

Choking down “flaccid, gray Szechuan dumplings” and dealing with bathrooms that “transport diners to the experience of desperately searching for toilet paper at a Venezuelan grocery store” were uncomfortable enough. But Vanity Fair reporter Tina Nguyen feared a more severe round of indigestion after her Wells-ian skewering of the Trump Grill attracted the Twitter ire…

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Electoral College Vote Dec. 19 Results: Electors officially elect Donald Trump president

Donald Trump was officially elected president Monday, after the majority of electors in the Electoral College voted for Trump when they met at state capitols across the country. Trump passed the 270 Electoral College-vote threshold needed to secure the White House shortly after 5:30 p.m. Eastern, when Texas voted, according to the Associated Press. Trump is…

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