If we took ‘Gamergate’ harassment seriously, ‘Pizzagate’ might never have happened – The Washington Post

D.C. police detained a gunman on Dec. 4, who had walked into Comet Ping Pong, a popular Northwest Washington restaurant and music venue. Police said no injuries were reported. (Faiz Siddiqui,Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post) A feedback loop of half-baked rumors and willful misinformation whips a corner of the Internet into such a frenzy that someone…

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Google still fuels fake-news websites through its complex web – Digiday

Despite beating Facebook in the early PR battle against fake news, Google is still indirectly helping fund publishers that intentionally spread misleading information. Google’s digital infrastructure touches nearly everything on the internet, including fake-news websites. So unlike tech companies with less reach, Google requires much more than mere blacklists to block fake news publishers from…

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Donald Trump Thinks He’s Smart Enough to Skip Daily Intelligence Briefings | Teen Vogue

In one of his few post-election appearances, president-elect Donald Trump admitted that he receives an intelligence briefing only once per week, compared to the six times per week president Barack Obama does currently. Why? That’s a whole different story. Over the weekend, Trump told Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace that he didn’t need daily intelligence…

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