Fox News opens Black History Month by insulting black voters: “Blacks have shown a slavish support for the Democrat party” –

While most morning news programs devoted much of their Monday coverage to tonight’s highly anticipated Iowa caucuses, Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” took some time to examine the importance of the African American vote on this first day of Black History Month, only to blast black voters for “slavish support” of the Democratic Party. Guest…

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The Iowa caucus is overrated: The “big day” everyone’s obssessed with isn’t as important as you’ve been told –

Monday in Iowa, caucus-goers throughout the Hawkeye State will make their choice — and the 2016 presidential election, which has already dominated the news for the better part of a year, will finally begin. The start is almost finished; so if you’re still breathing, congratulations. You may make it out of this thing yet. Now, traditionally,…

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Twitter Is a Mall — Following: How We Live Online

On Friday, Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart News’s chief video-game and gender-issues columnist, lost his “verified badge” — the blue check mark Twitter provides to prominent Twitter users like celebrities, journalists, and venture capitalists to confirm that their bad tweets are actually coming from their terrible fingers and not those of parodists or imitators. “I’ve been sat on the naughty table!” he…

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