Sanders and the Theory of Change: Radical Politics for Grown-Ups | Dissent Magazine

Bernie Sanders speaking in Littleton, New Hampshire, August 2015 (Michael Vadon / Flickr) Paul Krugman has joined the self-appointed political grownups closing ranks around Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. In a piece titled “How Change Happens,” the liberal economist and New York Times columnist insists, “The question Sanders supporters should ask is, When has their theory of change…

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Top Trump official defends call for ‘pure breed’ president: Obama is a ‘half-breed’ and so am I

Katrina Pierson, the national spokesperson for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, on Sunday defended her call for a “pure breed” president by arguing that she was a “half-breed” like President Barack Obama. In 2012, Pierson had complained that both then-GOP nominee Mitt Romney and Obama were not “pure breeds” because their fathers had not been born…

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Internet of Things security is so bad, there’s a search engine for sleeping kids | Ars Technica

cache hit 2034:single/related:7ee91088b05aceb470bc04e250c3b444 empty Shodan, a search engine for the Internet of Things (IoT), recently launched a new section that lets users easily browse vulnerable webcams. The feed includes images of marijuana plantations, back rooms of banks, children, kitchens, living rooms, garages, front gardens, back gardens, ski slopes, swimming pools, colleges and schools, laboratories, and cash…

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The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems — The Development Set — Medium

The “reductive seduction” is not malicious, but it can be reckless. For two reasons. First, it’s dangerous for the people whose problems you’ve mistakenly diagnosed as easily solvable. There is real fallout when well-intentioned people attempt to solve problems without acknowledging the underlying complexity. There are so many examples. As David Bornstein wrote in The…

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The Oscar Whiteness Machine – The New Yorker

The failure of the Academy Awards to recognize black performers and filmmakers creates a dangerously circular system that robs the next generation of daring and diverse cinema. Credit Photograph by Toby Canham / Getty Barrier Status: ‘none’ The Oscars almost never get it right. Alfred Hitchcock never won one; Elaine May has never won one….

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