Young Russian denies she aided election hackers: ‘I never work with douchebags’ | World news | The Guardian

Alisa Shevchenko is a talented young Russian hacker, known for working with companies to find vulnerabilities in their systems. She spends her winters in Asia, meditating and training in Thai kickboxing. She is also, the White House claims, guilty of helping Vladimir Putin interfere in the US election. Her company was a surprise inclusion on…

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Registered Voters Who Stayed Home Probably Cost Clinton The Election | FiveThirtyEight

.has-bugs Donald Trump votes on Nov. 8, 2016, in New York. Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images .single-featured-image Registered voters who didn’t vote on Election Day in November were more Democratic-leaning than the registered voters who turned out, according to a post-election poll from SurveyMonkey, shared with FiveThirtyEight. In fact, Donald Trump probably would…

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Review: ‘Sherlock’ Season 4 Premiere Disappoints Despite Huge Plot Twist | The Daily Dot

This review includes major spoilers for “The Six Thatchers.” Sherlock is consistently inconsistent, veering between compelling drama (Sherlock’s death at the end of season 2) and self-indulgent nonsense (“The Abominable Bride“). The fourth season premiere, “The Six Thatchers,” is the first time it’s managed to be boring. Even at its worst, Sherlock usually maintains a palpable sense…

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