China has made obedience to the State a game | The Independent

China has created a social tool which gives people a score for how good a citizen they are scald=4107361:article_responsive_images [if IE 9]>< ![endif][if IE 9]>< ![endif] END scald=4107361 Sesame Credit measures how obediently citizens follow the party line, pulling data from social networks and online purchase histories Extra Credits/YouTube  With a concept straight out of...

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Obama still scared of Trump with nuclear codes – POLITICO

/quality/90/?url=” data-size=”promo_xsmall_rectangle” /> He didn’t mention Trump at all in his answer about confidence, though spoke at length about how much Americans will in his opinion be “relying on” and “counting on” the rank-and-file in the years ahead. As for whether there’s been any change over the last two months what Earnest characterized as Obama’s…

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Van Jones urges Democrats to snap out of centrist trance: “The Clinton days are over” –

CNN commentator Van Jones — guesting on “State of the Union” on Sunday — channeled many on the left in denouncing “the Clinton days” of the Democratic Party, which he said were characterized by centrism and unabashed corporatism. “You have to understand, I think, that the Clinton days are over,” Jones told host Jake Tapper. “This…

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From Tape Drives to Memory Orbs, the Data Formats of Star Wars Suck (Spoilers) | Motherboard

  Rogue One is a great addition to the Star Wars universe because it takes a glaringly stupid plot mechanism—the exhaust port vulnerability in the Death Star—and attributes it to an architect’s sabotage. One of the dumbest things about the Star Wars franchise then becomes something sad, poignant, and believable. But Rogue One also raises…

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The Champions of the 401(k) Lament the Revolution They Started – WSJ

Herbert Whitehouse was one of the first in the U.S. to suggest workers use a 401(k). His hope in 1981 was that the retirement-savings plan would supplement a company pension that guaranteed payouts for life. Thirty-five years later, the former Johnson & Johnson human-resources executive has misgivings about what he helped start. What Mr. Whitehouse and…

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