CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity – The Washington Post

The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases — including “fetus” and “transgender” — in official documents being prepared for next year’s budget. Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of…

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CIM Group buys Uber’s Oakland building – San Francisco Business Times

ToutCIM Group bought Uber Technologies Inc.’s Uptown Station in Oakland in one of the city’s biggest real estate deals of 2017. CIM paid $180 million for the 356,000-square-foot building, according to property records. The building’s renovation is expected to be completed in late 2018. It’s unclear how much additional money is required to complete the…

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Mashable financial statements paint bleak picture – Business Insider

Mashable’s sign in their New York office. Business Insider Mashable was in deep trouble financially before it sold for far below its one-time valuation of $250 million, according to documents reviewed by Business Insider. The company was heavily reliant on digital-media advertising revenue, the documents show. It also lost $4.2 million in the three months through September….

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Silicon Valley Techies Still Think They’re the Good Guys. They’re Not. | WIRED

In September, I met with a prominent entrepreneur looking for positive press on his new project. Meetings like these are a common, usually formulaic, part of my job—except in this one, the conversation drifted to the tech industry’s year of bad headlines. As we discussed the latest sexual harassment scandal, he posed a question: Will…

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Matt Damon Is Having a #NotAllMen Meltdown

Getty Images Against all public ire, better judgement, and general respect for women in general, Matt Damon can’t stop spouting nonsense about the pervasive rape culture that seems almost inextricably rooted in Hollywood. Yes, that’s right (deep breath): MATT DAMON SAID SOMETHING ELSE STUPID AND DAMAGING AND WILL MOST LIKELY CONTINUE TO SAY STUPID AND…

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Hell Is Empty And All the Hedge Fund Managers Are At The Bellagio

Image by Jim Cooke/ GMG Blue blazers. Blue checked shirts. Collar open. No tie. Brown shoes. Black shoes. Or Nike shoes. New, new, all new. Soft leather satchels with bold brass zippers. Good cufflinks. Good watches. Better than you know. Hundred dollar haircuts. Straight razored shaves. Shaped cuticles. Manicured nails. Clean, soft, tailored. New. Talking…

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