Megyn Kelly’s Top Five Most Racist Moments, In Honor Of Her ‘Vanity Fair’ Cover

Megyn Kelly is the cover story of February’s Vanity Fair, emblazoned with the depiction: “Fox New’s Brightest, Toughest Star.” She’s a champion of the underdog, a “breakout” star whose gender is “irrelevant” as she “transcends” politics to pulverize “windbags of both parties.” Who is this champion of journalistic impartiality, boldly leading the charge toward tearing…

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Donald Trump on Jackie Evancho’s Album Sales: Fact-Checking His ‘Skyrocketing’ Tweet | Billboard

The president-elect says that the 16-year-old’s album sales have ‘skyrocketed’ since her inauguration announcement. Have they? On Wednesday (Jan. 4), president-elect Donald Trump posted on Twitter that Jackie Evancho’s album sales have “skyrocketed” since the 16-year-old singer was announced to be performing the national anthem at his presidential inauguration later this month. “Some people just…

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News Corp, the New York Times and Axel Springer are backing Scroll, a subscription service from the former CEO of Chartbeat – Recode

GTM DataLayer Umbel End Umbel [if lte IE 9]>< ![endif][if gte IE 10]>< ![endif] Google Tag Manager Container End Google Tag Manager Container Tony Haile’s new project is still in the planning stages. But it’s interesting. Phonograph End Phonograph Source: News Corp, the New York Times and Axel Springer are backing Scroll, a subscription service...

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