Elon Musk said a Tesla could drive itself across the country by 2018. One just crashed backing out of a garage. – The Washington Post

When Mangesh Gururaj’s wife left home to pick up their child from math lessons one Sunday earlier this month, she turned on her Tesla Model S and hit “Summon,” a self-parking feature that the electric automaker has promoted as a central step toward driverless cars. But as the family’s $65,000 sedan reversed itself out of…

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Driverless Hype Collides With Merciless Reality – WSJ

Mercedes-Benz unveiled its dream of a fully autonomous multipurpose vehicle this week. The announcement was full of buzzwords—the modular Vision Urbanetic “enables on-demand, sustainable and efficient movement of people and goods” and “reduces traffic flows, relieves inner-city infrastructures and contributes to an improved quality of urban life.” Hardly a week goes by without fresh signposts that…

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How far is too far? An analysis of driving times to abortion clinics in the US.

Twenty-seven US states specifically target clinics that provide abortions with laws called “Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers,” also known as TRAP laws. They exist to regulate the operation of clinics beyond what is necessary for patients’ safety. There are a wide range of regulations imposed by TRAP laws that require drastic, expensive, or impractical changes…

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