The Three Kinds of Assholes You Meet in Centrist Hell

This week, like every week before it, quickly set a new high bar for asinine political takes. As always, the trash piled up from a number of sources, for a few different reasons — Nike’s ad campaign with Colin Kaepernick, confirmation hearings for Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the New Yorker dropping Steve Bannon from its annual pretension festival. The rhetoric was hardly…

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Outline Statement – Google Docs //   September 5, 2018   When The Outline launched in late 2016, they promised to be “a new kind of publication” that would, against many odds, find ways to thrive in a near-apocalyptic media landscape. Yesterday, they announced layoffs of their remaining staff writers, as well as members of their non-editorial staff….

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Publishing that anonymous New York Times article wasn’t ‘gutless.’ But writing it probably was. – The Washington Post

Was the New York Times’s decision to publish a mystery op-ed piece describing an organized resistance inside the Trump administration “gutless,” as the president has angrily deemed it? Or was it a crucial public service, as the Times’s top opinion editors see it? I’d call it neither. What it was, however, was a quagmire of weirdness: fraught…

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