How a high-profile editor was done in by his own tone-deaf response to #MeToo – The Washington Post

Ian Buruma at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in 2016. The New York Review of Books editor’s decision to publish a Jian Ghomeshi essay was questionable. His defense of it was far worse. (Awakening/Getty Images) As I read Isaac Chotiner’s perfectly fair, quietly relentless interrogation of the editor of the New York Review of Books…

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Opinion | Boys Will Be Supreme Court Justices – The New York Times

Kavanaugh’s accuser is credible. Will it matter? Brett Kavanaugh on the third day of his confirmation hearing.CreditCreditErin Schaff for The New York Times Obviously, I believe Christine Blasey Ford, the psychology professor who says that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school while his friend Mark Judge watched and, at moments, egged him on….

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Brett Kavanaugh case: What a former sex-crimes prosecutor says about Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations – The Washington Post

Soon after Christine Blasey Ford was revealed as the author of a letter alleging that Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her decades ago, the responses ran along predictable lines. While some argued that she should be heard, others questioned how much of her memory can be trusted. Amid a spate of…

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