
Game Workers Unite is a fledgling effort to get game devs unionized that’s formed around this year’s Game Workers Unite is a fledgling effort to get game devs unionized that’s formed around this year’s GDC. The organization was born of discussion surrounding an upcoming roundtable on unionization to be hosted by the International Game Developers…

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Were you a victim of Cambridge Analytica’s dirty tricks? The fact you don’t know is the problem. – The Washington Post

Why we must end anonymity for online political ads. “We just put information into the bloodstream of the internet, and then … give it a little push every now and again … like a remote control. It has to happen without anyone thinking, ‘that’s propaganda,’ because the moment you think ‘that’s propaganda,’ the next question…

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Child abuse imagery found within bitcoin’s blockchain | Technology | The Guardian

German researchers have discovered unknown persons are using bitcoin’s blockchain to store and link to child abuse imagery, potentially putting the cryptocurrency in jeopardy. The blockchain is the open-source, distributed ledger that records every bitcoin transaction, but can also store small bits of non-financial data. This data is typically notes about the trade of bitcoin,…

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How Fast Is Amp Really? – TimKadlec.com

  AMP has caused quite the stir from a philosophical perspective, but the technology hasn’t received as close of a look. A few weeks ago, Ferdy Christant wrote about the unfair advantage being given to AMP content through preloading. This got me wondering: how well does AMP really perform. I’ve seen folks, like Ferdy, analyze…

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