North Carolina Police Issued Sweeping Warrants to Search Data On All Google Devices Near Murder Scene

Police issued a warrant for devices surrounding a potential homicide. Photo: Tyler Dukes (WRAL) Google was served at least four sweeping search warrants by Raleigh, North Carolina police last year, requesting anonymized location data on all users within areas surrounding crime scenes. In one case, Raleigh police requested information on all Google accounts within 17…

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Authorities Seek Warrant to Raid Offices of Cambridge Analytica Amid Facebook Data Showdown

CEO of Cambridge Analytica Alexander Nix speaks at the 2016 Concordia Summit. Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics firm involved in a scandal with Facebook over misuse of private data, is learning what it’s like to have their privacy invaded. Britain’s information commissioner announced on Monday that she is seeking a warrant to search the company’s…

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Jim Carrey Captures Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Inner Demon in Portrait and the ‘MAGA’ Crowd Isn’t Happy

Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images) Funnyman Jim Carrey is actually a really deep dude who meditates and paints. On Saturday, Carrey released a portrait of a woman who favors White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, aka Suckabee. Somehow, Carrey was able to capture Suckabee’s true inner-demon spirit. It’s almost impossible to truly capture the…

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This Time, Facebook Really Might Be Fucked

It’s becoming increasingly clear that Facebook has never faced a scandal like the one it’s currently fighting through. Revelations over the weekend about its reckless sharing of user data sent its stock price plunging on Monday, and fresh calls for regulations on the social media network are looking more real than ever. In the last…

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Ore. Man Who Followed Black Muslim Couple for 20 Blocks and Hurled Slurs Bursts Into Tears After Being Charged With Hate Crime

KGW screenshot A Portland, Ore., man is giving me a particular type of joy after breaking down crying and expressing his heartfelt “regret” after being charged with a hate crime earlier this week for allegedly hurling slurs and intimidating a black Muslim couple. I confess, my favorite type of bigot is the crying bigot. KGW…

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Britain Banned Another Far-Right Activist From Entering The Country Ahead Of A Gathering In Hyde Park

Another far-right activist has been refused entry to Britain, following the recent banning of internet personalities Martin Sellner, Lauren Southern, and Brittany Pettibone. Lutz Bachmann, the founder of the far-right Patriotic Europeans against Islamisation of the West (“Pediga”) movement, was banned ahead of a mass meeting at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, where the activist…

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