They Have To Be Monsters

Since I started working on Discourse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how software can encourage and nudge people to be more empathetic online. That’s why it’s troubling to read articles like this one: My brother’s 32nd birthday is today. It’s an especially emotional day for his family because he’s not alive for…

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Stephen Hawking Dies: Physicist Who Awed Both Scientists And The Public Was 76 : The Two-Way : NPR

Hide captionStephen Hawking smiles during a 2002 symposium in honor of his 60th birthday at the University of Cambridge. Hawking has died at 76. END CLASS=”IMAGECAPTION” END CLASS=”HSLIDE” Previous Next END CLASS=”AUX” END CLASS=”HSLIDEWRAP” Sion Touhig/Getty Images END CLASS=”PHOTOCREDIT” Hide captionHawking, shown in Chicago in 1986, was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a post once…

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Men Legally Allowed to Finish Sex Even If Woman Revokes Consent, NC Law States – Broadly

North Carolina is the one state where the law explicitly says you cannot revoke consent once it’s given. A bill that would remove this “unacceptable loophole” has little traction. Photo by Simone Becchetti via Stocksy One May evening in 1977, Beverly Hester was sexually assaulted. According to the summary included in the North Carolina Supreme…

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A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal” – MIT Technology Review

Article Topper: Vertical The startup accelerator Y Combinator is known for supporting audacious companies in its popular three-month boot camp. There’s never been anything quite like Nectome, though. Next week, at YC’s “demo days,” Nectome’s cofounder, Robert McIntyre, is going to describe his technology for exquisitely preserving brains in microscopic detail using a high-tech embalming…

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What the Hell Is Going On

Photo: Getty Over the past few weeks, Donald Trump has been trying to spin the continual chaos around him—including the departure of top aides like Hope Hicks and Gary Cohn resigning—as an example of a calm White House that is merely “seeking perfection.” But on Tuesday, some bajillion things happened that show only what we’ve…

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Rex In Peace 

Photo: Getty Donald Trump has fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and is nominating CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace him. The Washington Post was the first to report the news. Tillerson has often found himself publicly at odds with Trump when it came to major issues like North Korea, the decision to move America’s…

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