Trump ousts Tillerson, will replace him as secretary of state with CIA chief Pompeo – The Washington Post

President Trump has ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and plans to nominate CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace him as the nation’s top diplomat, orchestrating a major change to his national security team amid delicate negotiations with North Korea, White House officials said Tuesday. Trump last Friday asked Tillerson to step aside, and the…

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Tommy Wiseau’s Amazing Joker Audition Proves He’s the Only One for the Role – VICE

Oh hai, Batman. Last month, Variety reported that Hangover director Todd Phillips was in talks with Joaquin Phoenix to star in the stand-alone Joker origin film—a compelling choice to play the Batman villain who could probably give the character a depth we haven’t seen since Heath Ledger. But following Variety‘s announcement, another actor unexpectedly threw…

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Baltimore Cops Carried Toy Guns to Plant on People They Shot, Trial Reveals – VICE

One officer involved in the city’s massive corruption scandal said officers kept the replicas “in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them.” Last week, the beginning of an explosive corruption trial involving eight members of Baltimore’s elite Gun Trace Task Force revealed that a handful of Baltimore…

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This insanely popular YouTube channel is making bank off fake science | The Outline

An enormously popular YouTube video, uploaded last month by an account called Ridddle, explores a bong-rip hypothetical: What if someone detonated a thermonuclear bomb in the depths of the Marianas Trench? In the seven minute clip, a gravelly-voiced narrator uses convincingly scientific-sounding language — at least at first. As it goes on, though, the video’s…

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Trump: ‘Meet The Press’ Host Chuck Todd Is “A Sleeping Son of A Bitch” | Deadline

Image: NBC News President Donald Trump’s rambling, hour-long speech outside Pittsburgh today reserved special ire for Meet The Press host Chuck Todd, who was called a “sleeping son of a bitch.” The NBC News host was lambasted along with Oprah, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and several news channels, as Trump free-associated his way through a speech designed…

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New York Times columnist Bari Weiss calls critics a ‘mob‘ on Bill Maher – The Washington Post

After retracting public comments three times in a little over a month, New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss defended her columns and tweets Friday, claiming a social media “mob” is smearing anyone who departs from far-left political orthodoxy. “Saying ‘I am offended’ is a way of making someone radioactive; a way of smearing their reputation,” Weiss told…

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Did Trump say goodbye to Cohn with an anti-Semitic dog whistle? Twitter says yes – U.S. News –

Trump’s budget chief also issued both a flattering and immediately controversial press release praising Trump’s departing economic chief /hdc_responsive/article/byline.vm end of /hdc_responsive/article/byline.vm hdc_responsive/mainElement.vm In this file photo taken on September 28, 2017 National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn waits to speak about tax reform during a briefing at the White House in Washington, DCAFP PHOTO…

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