Why trigger warnings are really so controversial, explained – Vox

There are probably more articles on the internet arguing about trigger warnings on college syllabuses than there are actual trigger warnings on college syllabuses. Only one college, Oberlin College, actually recommended that professors warn students about content that might be disturbing or traumatizing — and they eventually withdrew that policy. But however infrequently they’re actually…

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The American Library Association Lost Control Of Their Facebook Page This Weekend | TechCrunch

Begin: WordPress Article Content Getting hacked is bad news… unless you’re a bunch of librarians. For three days “hackers” took over the American Library Association’s Facebook page and posted an endless stream of clickbaity articles and spam. The hackers had control of the page for three days and everything was returned to normal on Monday….

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“Picture yourself as a stereotypical male” | MIT Admissions

  There is empirical evidence to support the idea that males have a higher capacity for spatial reasoning than females. A large-scale 1995 meta-analysis found that on average, men outperform women in a cluster of tests related to spatial ability by nearly a full standard deviation, and in attempt to explain this, researchers have hypothesized about…

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Minimum-Wage Work Alone Won’t Get You Through College – Admissions & Student Aid – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Politicians and pundits love to talk about the character-building experience of working your way through college. But how realistic is that ideal? As one way of answering that question, here’s a thought experiment: Let’s say you’re planning to attend your state’s best-known public university (at the in-state rate, naturally) and you’re hoping a minimum-wage job…

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Building a j-school from scratch: How The New School aims to bring journalism and design together » Nieman Journalism Lab

It’s that time of year: Journalism students are returning to campus, charting their courses for the next semester, and professors are fine-tuning their syllabi. Turmoil in the news business means that many professors are also reckoning with how to adapt their teaching approaches in an era of data visualization, apps, and distributed content. One department…

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