Saying Trigger Warnings “Coddle the Mind” Completely Misses the Point | The Mary Sue

You’ve basically read this anti-trigger warning article before. You probably didn’t even see the far-less-popular follow-up, “I was a liberal adjunct professor. My liberal students didn’t scare me at all.” The stories people share about trigger warnings tend to wildly misunderstand the issue; this latest one literally depicts modern college students as babies. The Atlantic‘s piece makes some reference to work…

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Wheaton College ends coverage amid fight against birth control mandate – Chicago Tribune

Taking a firm stand against Obamacare’s controversial contraception mandate, Wheaton College on Friday will stop providing any health insurance for students. The decision, announced to students July 10, will halt health care coverage for about a quarter of the college’s 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students, forcing them to shop for other plans just weeks before…

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Blackboard Learning Management Software is Up for Auction! | Tony’s Thoughts

.entry-header Dear Commons Community, Blackboard, the giant provider of learning-management software, is up for sale. According to the Reuters, the privately held software company is seeking a buyer unfazed by an estimated $3-billion price tag. The company has hired two banks to conduct an auction to find such a buyer. Blackboard was taken private in a buyout four years…

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College Debt Attitudes: Millennials vs. Gen X | Adrian Nazari

Entry Text Millennials may be spending more for college and racking up record debt, but they don’t mind, according to a new survey of 500 university graduates by Credit Sesame. In summary, despite the skyrocketing cost of higher education, Millennials (individuals born between 1981 and 2004) have a more positive opinion of college than Gen…

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These 20 schools are responsible for a fifth of all graduate school debt – The Washington Post

In this Oct. 6, 2011 photo, Gan Golan of Los Angeles, dressed as the “Master of Degrees,” holds a ball and chain representing his college loan debt during Occupy DC activities in (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Getting an advanced degree doesn’t come cheap, which is why graduate students carry nearly half of all student debt. But it turns out that a…

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Mapping the Confederate Streets of South Carolina

.entry-header After watching Jon Stewart’s on-point and poignant words regarding the tragic shooting at the AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, (watch it here before you continue reading!) I was curious about his statement that “the roads [in South Carolina] are named for Confederate generals.” I wanted to see the prevalence of  Confederate Generals’ names…

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