This Is The NIRP “Doom Loop” That Threatens To Wipeout Banks And The Global Economy | Zero Hedge

Remember the vicious cycle that threatened the entire European banking sector in 2012? It went something like this: over indebted sovereigns depended on domestic banks to buy their debt, but when yields on that debt spiked, the banks took a hit, inhibiting their ability to fund the sovereign, whose yields would then rise some more,…

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Why millennials go on holiday instead of saving for a pension –

©Joe Waldron Save money into my pension? I’d rather blow it on a holiday. This is the typical response of a millennial — marketing shorthand for a 20-something — when you ask them about financial planning. More On this story On this topic IN Personal Finance For the generation that grew up in the Noughties,…

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Morgan Stanley deal brings toxic mortgage bill to $64bn –

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email to buy additional rights. US authorities have now wrung a total of $64bn from banks that sold toxic mortgage securities before the financial crisis, with Morgan Stanley’s agreement…

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It’s a special club and you’re not in it: Being in the same social class as the Wall Street bank you’re borrowing from pays off — just ask Timothy Geithner –

Among the takeaways from Timothy Geithner’s 2014 memoir “Stress Test” is his contention that the financial system is safer and more stable today. And central to that improvement are the stiffer capital requirements, buffers of liquid assets for financial institutions so they can absorb their own losses. With stronger capital standards, banks must “hold more…

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What Were They Thinking?: Selling Rocket Mortgage in a Post-2008 Economy | Rhetorically Speaking

“Push button. Get Mortgage.” That’s the tagline of Quicken Loans’ new product, Rocket Mortgage. The company introduced Rocket Mortgage to the massive television audience watching Super Bowl 50 in a one-minute commercial. The ad describes a simple push button app that allows people to get mortgages on their phones, which would lead to a “tidal…

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“The point of having f**k-you money”: We’ve seen how the economy broke down in ’08 — Showtime’s “Billions” shows us why –

HBO’s 2011 film “Too Big to Fail” is not even the second-best film about the 2008 financial crisis—Adam McKay’s Oscar-nominated “The Big Short” and 2011’s “Margin Call” would probably take those two spots. But “Too Big to Fail” is, like “The Big Short,” an attempt to tell a true story, admittedly with significantly less punchy…

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