N.Y.C. Landlords Flout Rent Limits — But Still Rake In Lucrative Tax Breaks – ProPublica

  The Driggs, a luxury apartment building in Brooklyn, received a $631,000 tax break this year. (Cezary Podkul/ProPublica) As gleaming new housing towers spring up around New York City, thousands of new rent-stabilized apartments are coming onto the market. And in return for following rent limits, developers get a share of $1 billion in property…

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Twitter Engineering Manager Leslie Miley Leaves Company Because Of Diversity Issues | TechCrunch

Begin: WordPress Article Content Twitter Engineering Manager Leslie Miley, the only black engineer in a leadership position at Twitter, just publicly announced that he has left the company. In his post, he says his reasons for leaving have everything to do with the way Twitter is addressing diversity and inclusion. Though Miley was laid off as…

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Airbnb, Proposition F And The Shared Hypocrisy Of Bay Area Housing | TechCrunch

Begin: Right Rail Advertisement Container End: Right Rail Advertisement Container Begin: WordPress Article Content In California, a state built on the idealism and tacit cruelty of real estate capitalism, no one is innocent.  That’s no different with Airbnb and Proposition F, merely the latest of San Francisco’s Brobdingnagian sagas over land-use politics that will go down in today’s election….

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The price of being nice: Treating flyers well is bad for airlines’ business | The Economist

FOR all the frequent travellers out there just aching for airlines to make the flying experience slightly less unpleasant, there’s one fundamental obstacle: you. The airline industry recently undertook a wide-ranging study of passenger satisfaction, surveying 60,000 passengers on 30 airlines in 39 hub airports around the world, and examining 75 factors that contribute to…

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