Cameron EU Referendum Puts Top U.K. Rating at Risk, S&P Says – Bloomberg Business

Britain’s top credit rating is at risk because of Prime Minister David Cameron’s planned European Union referendum, according to Standard & Poor’s. In a statement on Friday, S&P lowered the outlook on the country’s AAA rating to “negative” from “stable.” That means there’s a one-in-three chance of a downgrade in the next two years. It…

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How big a deal will adblocking on iPhones and iPads be for publishers? » Nieman Journalism Lab

June 4, 2015, 2:25 p.m. You’ve probably heard by now that Twitter has killed off Politwoops, the Sunlight Foundation’s project to detect when American politicians delete tweets after posting — often a sign that they realize they’ve said something they shouldn’t. Twitter argues that Politwoops is in violation of its developer agreement. (Kudos to J.K….

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Jamie Dimon Wants To Mansplain Banking To Elizabeth Warren

AD ads_sharebox_260x60 SAUL LOEB via Getty Images Entry Text There are few people in Congress who criticize big Wall Street banks more than Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) does. A former Harvard bankruptcy law professor, she is the architect of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and chaired the government panel that oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief…

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Why women are judged far more harshly than men for leaving work early – The Washington Post

Women work all the time, too. But colleagues are more likely to judge them for it than male counterparts. (Photo by Flickr user Matthew Hurst) Americans work an average of roughly 1,836 hours each year, up nearly ten percent from 1,687 in 1979. Labor economists expect this number to keep growing, especially in competitive fields with high…

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Iceland put bankers in jail rather than bailing them out — and it worked – Vox

Yesterday, Iceland’s prime minister, Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, announced a plan that will essentially close the books on his country’s approach to handling the financial crisis — an approach that deviated greatly from the preferences of global financial elites and succeeded quite well. Instead of embracing the orthodoxy of bank bailouts, austerity, and low inflation, Iceland did just…

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President Obama Demands Critics Tell Him What’s Wrong With TPP; Of Course We Can’t Do That Because He Won’t Show Us The Agreement | Techdirt

President Obama is apparently quite annoyed by the fact that his own party is basically pushing against his “big trade deals” (that are not really about trade). Senator Elizabeth Warren has been pretty aggressive in trashing the TPP agreement, highlighting the fact that the agreement is still secret (other than the bits leaked by Wikileaks)….

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What’s Really Going on With the Trade in Services Agreement | The New Republic

The Obama administration’s desire for “fast track” trade authority is not limited to passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). In fact, that may be the least important of three deals currently under negotiation by the U.S. Trade Representative. The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would bind the two biggest economies in the world, the United States and…

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Capital Playbook: DNAinfo to start print edition; Brian Williams’ puppy | Capital New York

paging_filter THE OPT OUT FIGHT—Capital’s Jessica Bakeman: High Achievement New York, a pro-Common Core coalition that includes business groups, has launched a six-figure radio and digital advertising campaign encouraging parents to “opt in” their children for state exams. The campaign aims to combat the growing movement of children refusing state tests, which has been fueled…

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