Treadmill Desks Aren’t Just Healthier, They’ll Also Boost Your Work Performance | Co.Exist | ideas + impact

Since sitting all day is slowly killing us, office workers are now turning to standing desks. But why just stand when you can walk, ask proponents of the even more ridiculous treadmill desks? Walking while at work is even healthier than standing still. But can you actually work while walking? Or will the office turn…

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“Rent Is Too Damn High Guy” Ordered Out Of Rent Stabilized East Village Apartment: Gothamist

(Tien Mao/Gothamist) Jimmy McMillan, he of perpetual office-seeking and a beard that would chagrin a topiary, is being evicted from his rent-stablized East Village apartment. According to the Daily News, the freewheeling leader of the Rent Is Too Damn High party has been served an eviction notice ousting him from his $872 per month St….

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