Uber Loses Human Resources Head in Latest High-Profile Departure – Bloomberg

LISTEN TO ARTICLE 2:26 SHARE THIS ARTICLE  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn  Email In this article 0084207D UBER TECHNOLOGIES INC Private Company USD Uber Technologies Inc.’s head of human resources has resigned, becoming the latest high-profile executive to depart a ride-hailing giant only just emerging from a year of internal upheaval. Liane Hornsey’s exit came after an anonymous employee,…

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The Washington Post tests Rhapsocord – Business Insider

This story was delivered to Business Insider Intelligence “Digital Media Briefing” subscribers hours before appearing on Business Insider. To be the first to know, please click here. The Washington Post is testing a new tool, called Rhapsocord, that automatically identifies areas of a podcast where an ad could be placed and then automatically inserts ads…

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Feminist Apparel CEO Alan Martofel Is Admitted Abuser

The employees of the popular clothing company Feminist Apparel thought they were creating tools for the resistance. The online store’s viral shirts and accessories — which feature sayings like “Cats against catcalls” and “Trans rights are human rights” — became staples at events like the Women’s March and Pride. The brand amassed over 360k followers on Instagram…

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Billboard’s charts used to be our barometer for music success. Are they meaningless in the streaming age? – The Washington Post

Clockwise from top left, Drake, Kanye West, Prince and Michael Jackson. (Washington Post illustration; Getty Images; iStock) Drake and Kanye West — two reigning kings of pop music — both flooded the American consciousness with music this summer in strikingly different manners. West released a series of seven-track albums, including one bearing his name and…

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Why California’s new consumer privacy law won’t be GDPR 2.0 – Digiday

The consumer privacy law that California’s governor signed into law on June 28 is considered the strongest, most aggressive privacy protection measure in the U.S., according to legal experts. The new California law, which takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020, will require that companies tell state residents what information the company is collecting and how…

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Martin Sorrell Is Gone From WPP, but That Doesn’t Mean He’s Gone Quiet – The New York Times

Advertising Martin Sorrell reigned as one of the most influential leaders in the advertising industry for three decades as the chief executive of the marketing colossus WPP. After he abruptly resigned in April following an investigation into alleged personal misconduct, the normally sharp-tongued, frenetic 73-year-old slipped unexpectedly out of sight. But not for long. By…

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McKinsey: Not much change after three years of rebate uproar | CMO Strategy – Ad Age

Three years after former Mediacom CEO Jon Mandel gave a blistering speech alleging widespread media rebates in the U.S. — and the Association of National Advertisers launched a crusade to investigate and stop them — nothing much has changed, according to a report by McKinsey & Co. Sarah Armstrong. The McKinsey effort, which was scheduled…

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