Ad Agencies Are Breaking Down Programmatic Silos – eMarketer

Ad sellers are also ending the days of having separate programmatic sales teams. Though the evidence is mostly anecdotal, publishers like The New York Times, Dotdash, Meredith and BuzzFeed have taken steps to more fully integrate their programmatic products throughout their entire sales operation. When different buying teams don’t work together, discrepancies arise over planning…

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Washington Post Builds Tech That Dynamically Inserts Ads Into Podcasts | AdExchanger

Inserting fresh ads into podcasts is challenging and time-consuming. An online article loads fresh ads every time a page loads. But in the podcasting world, readers download content and ads together, which means the two must be stitched together beforehand. Because of this challenge, many older podcasts run with no ads or stale ones, even…

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This Is What Life Without Retirement Savings Looks Like – The Atlantic

That means that as people reach their mid-60s, they either have to dramatically curtail their spending or keep working to survive. “This will be the first time that we have a lot of people who find themselves downwardly mobile as they grow older,” Diane Oakley, the executive director of the National Institute on Retirement Security,…

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‘Fix the user experience first’: GroupM won’t pay for ads forced on ad blockers – Digiday

No means no when it comes to ad blockers, according to GroupM. The media-buying giant is closing off a growing alternative for publishers beset by ad blocking: ad reinsertion, a method by which publishers can deliver ads to users who have ad blockers installed. Publishers often work with vendors like Secret Media and Sourcepoint to re-insert ads…

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