Former Reddit CEO explains “what the racist-sexist neckbeards don’t understand” – Vox

Reddit, one of the most popular sites on the internet and a social media platform that is almost entirely user-driven, has been in open revolt since June. Last week, that revolt culminated with the dismissal of CEO Ellen Pao. Reddit’s users thought they’d won victory for their values of free speech absolutism and resistance against the…

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Reddit’s Terrorists Have Won: Ellen Pao and the Failure to Rebrand Web 2.0 – The Daily Beast

Internet communities like Reddit have always been toxic environments that survive on the backs of unpaid labor, and attempts to corporatize them fail because of it. Some of the worst trolls on the Internet are celebrating victory, as embattled interim CEO of Reddit Ellen Pao stepped down yesterday after what can charitably be described as…

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Reddit Is A Shrine To The Internet We Wanted And That’s A Problem – BuzzFeed News

Reddit has a problem. It’s a well-documented problem, which, oddly, is a big part of the problem. Every six months or so, from the depths of the sprawling site’s underbelly, a network of disparate communities which seem to feed off of bigotry and perversion rise into the greater public’s consciousness. For many people, this is…

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Why We Shut Down Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’ Forum – The New York Times

We are moderators for the website, a place where, on a typical day, millions of users read and share content in self-contained communities called “subreddits.” We volunteer our time to help manage the subsection called IAmA — a popular part of the site where thousands of interviews, known as “ask me anythings,” take place….

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