WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange’s Isolation Deepens – WSJ

Ecuador’s decision to pull the plug on Julian Assange’s internet connection has highlighted the isolation of WikiLeaks, the organization he founded to expose the inner workings of governments and other powerful institutions. Some former allies and observers say that after four years confined to the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, Mr. Assange is alienating former supporters…

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Anti-Defamation League Study Shows “Significant Uptick” In Anti-Semitic Twitter Abuse – BuzzFeed News

A graph from the Anti-Defamation League study showing spikes in anti-Semitic harassment on Twitter. Harassment and abuse on Twitter is rampant. In recent years, the platform has become a primary destination for trolls and hate groups. And as the US election season reaches its final stretch, the social network can feel increasingly toxic to women…

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Howard Stern: I’ve Never Heard ‘Locker Room Talk’ Like Trump’s – NBC News

Elizabeth Chuck 30 minutes ago The presidential candidates’ respective alma maters have teamed up to endorse just one nominee: Hillary Clinton. The editorial board of the newspaper at Wellesley College had already expressed support for its alumna in its last edition. The opinion board at University of Pennsylvania’s Daily Pennsylvanian, on the other hand, had…

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Peter Singer, the most influential ethicist alive, says the world is actually becoming a better place — Quartz

The philosopher Peter Singer, who regularly tops lists of the most influential people worldwide, is known for his controversial, yet highly convincing, utilitarian outlook. Utilitarian ethicists believe that the consequences of an action determine whether or not it’s moral. Grounded in this discipline, Singer has argued, among other things, that: Failing to donate excess wealth…

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Donald Trump’s “Apology” and Patterns of Abusers (with images, tweets) · valerieinto · Storify

In the wake of recorded Trump comments which brag about sexual assault, Leah McElrath broke down his subsequent statement to provide real-world examples of common manipulative tactics of abusers. (Trigger warning, obviously.) Trump’s statement is an eerie replica of psychological manipulations made by abusers after episodes of abuse.Let’s break it down. 1. “I’m not perfect”…

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