An art critic explains what the Guggenheim was really saying when it offered Trump a golden toilet – The Washington Post

In street terms, what the Guggenheim just did — refusing an art request from the White House but offering instead the loan of a golden toilet — is a “sick burn.” According to Washington Post reporter Paul Schwartzman, the White House asked the New York museum if it could borrow a van Gogh painting, which…

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Lady Doritos, the patron saint of outrage marketing | The Outline

Thanks to the breakneck pace of social media and a journalistic climate that favors insta-takes over measured analysis, the process of provocation, backlash, and counter-backlash can now be completed in record time. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane to last February, when Donald Trump’s steak preferences caused a national furor. A pointless International Journalism…

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