Your App Isn’t Helping The People Of Saudi Arabia

On March 15, 2002, 15 Saudi girls burned to death inside their school in Mecca. They were not trapped by fallen debris, or unaccounted for by firefighters. The mutaween, Saudi Arabia’s religious police, would not allow the girls to leave their burning school because they were not covering their hair or wearing their abayas. The…

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The Tragic Restoration of Halloween Town in ‘Kingdom Hearts’ – Waypoint

We tend to think of the apocalypse as “the end of the world,” but that’s not really the case. They’re a revelation of things as they already were Postscript is Cameron Kunzelman’s weekly column about endings, apocalypses, deaths, bosses, and all sorts of other finalities. There are some real spoilers for both The Nightmare Before Christmas and Kingdom Hearts down below, so if you’re trying…

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Bill O’Reilly’s “white establishment” comments ignite firestorm over his bald-faced racism

Bill O’Reilly’s “white establishment” comments ignite firestorm over his bald-faced racism Fox News host Bill O’Reilly went on a white supremacism-laden rant Tuesday night, saying that the effort to abolish the Electoral College is an attempt by “the left” to take away power from the “white establishment.” O’Reilly went on to denounce Democrats for being…

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North Carolina’s ‘Legislative Coup’ Is Over, and Republicans Won – The Atlantic

Google Microdata Mobile only ad Article “Cover” Legislators passed a slate of bills to sharply reduce the power of the incoming governor, over the heated objections of Democrats and hundreds of protestors. Google Metadata Protestors demonstrate against the North Carolina General Assembly on Thursday.Gerry Broome / AP START “MORE ON” SINGLE STORY BOX v. 2…

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How a Photo of a File Cabinet Led to a Fascinating New York Times Correction | Washingtonian

An unusual correction now rides below the New York Times’s major story about Russian hacking in the November 8 election: “An earlier version of the main photograph with this article, of a filing cabinet and computer at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, should not have been published,” it says. That’s a significant admission from any publisher….

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As the American public is being sold on the idea of the “Infobahn,” it is often suggested that the Internet is ushering in an age of enlightenment, that its structure is inherently leading to a kind of global consciousness raising. In particular, it was (and still is, in some circles) fashionable to suggest that the…

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If we took ‘Gamergate’ harassment seriously, ‘Pizzagate’ might never have happened – The Washington Post

D.C. police detained a gunman on Dec. 4, who had walked into Comet Ping Pong, a popular Northwest Washington restaurant and music venue. Police said no injuries were reported. (Faiz Siddiqui,Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post) A feedback loop of half-baked rumors and willful misinformation whips a corner of the Internet into such a frenzy that someone…

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