Feminist website deems the term ‘trigger warning’ not sensitive enough

As the dialogue surrounding the usage of trigger warnings and safe spaces continues on college campuses nationwide, one website has for years been enforcing an editorial policy that may further the conversation: EverydayFeminism.com, a self-proclaimed “educational platform for personal and social liberation,” does not use the term “trigger warning” in front of its articles, not because…

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Scrubbing the Myth of the Asexual Gay Asian Man, Frame by Frame: Andrew Ahn on Spa Night

Culture is conflict in Andrew Ahn’s debut feature, Spa Night. Protagonist David (Joe Seo), who, like Ahn himself, is the son of parents who emigrated from Korea, awakens sexually in the Korean spas in Los Angeles that he frequents with his family and friends. Meanwhile, his family’s expectation that he’ll settle down with a nice…

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Ex-porn star sues Facebook for $1 billion in harassment and libel case | The Daily Dot

A Texas-based former porn star who says her career was ruined by years of online harassment is suing Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg for $1 billion in federal court. As the Daily Mail first reported on Wednesday afternoon, Paree La’Tiejira—who appeared in over 40 adult films under the alias Lady Paree—filed a lawsuit in the Southern district…

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The alt-right attacks sci-fi: How the Hugo Awards got hijacked by Trumpian-style culture warriors – Salon.com

For those who want to understand the social dynamics of the Donald Trump revolution — and why it is almost certain to fail — look no further than the ongoing kerfuffle over the Hugos, an annual set of awards for excellence in sci-fi and fantasy, which have been under attack by a bunch of embittered reactionaries….

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Trump’s “alpha-male” paradox: How gender bias makes his behavior seem manly, no matter what – Salon.com

An excessively tanned person with an elaborate hairstyle stood onstage, waving his hands with exaggerated theatrics. Donald Trump had arrived at a key moment in his performance during a July 25 event in Roanoke, Virginia: a show of catty humor to mock people he does not like. “Why did Hillary get rid of her middle name?” He asked with a smirk, wobbling his hand back and…

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