How to Listen When You Disagree: A Lesson from the Republican National Convention — Urban Confessional

So, I asked: “Thank you for sharing that. Tell me your story? I’d love to know how you came to this point of view.” She seemed surprised by my interest. “Why? It doesn’t matter. Your sign said Free Listening, so I gave you something to listen to.” “Give me more to listen to.” “They should be locked up! It’s…

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Please Stop Marrying Fictional Characters to People They Met as Children, It’s Creepy 

‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads = ‘1’; google_ad_type = ‘text’; google_feedback = ‘on’; google_skip = google_adnum; google_ad_channel = ‘1102379497’;This is a trope that is nigh ubiquitous in YA novels…

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Melania’s speech isn’t just a gaffe—it’s racism | Fusion

It’s become standard for the internet to closely follow the Republican and Democratic National Conventions and seize on any gaffe or catch-phrase from the high-profile speakers. Last night in Cleveland was no exception—Twitter lit up with charges that Melania Trump had cribbed parts of her speech from Michelle Obama’s 2008 remarks, spurring #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes joke-tweets. But…

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Emotional Expression on Steven Universe – YouTube

This is the first in a series of videos exploring what Steven Universe has to say about men, boys and masculinity. This episode covers representations of emotional expression, and highlights the ways in which crying, affection and fear are framed on the show. Support this video series on Patreon! ABOUT THE PROJECT The Pop…

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