Rory Duffy Is New York City’s Finest Tailor, but He Can’t Make a Decent Living – The Daily Beast

The award-winning Rory Duffy says Americans, long accustomed to lower-priced made-to-measure menswear, are blind to the beauties of bespoke clothing. If all was as it should be in the world, Rory Duffy, 33, a lanky fifth generation master tailor from County Monaghan, Ireland, would be celebrated as the finest tailor in New York City, draping…

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Laurie Penny | Life-Hacks of the Poor and Aimless

Pour scorn elsewhere. / Joanna Slodownik Late capitalism is like your love life: it looks a lot less bleak through an Instagram filter. The slow collapse of the social contract is the backdrop for a modern mania for clean eating, healthy living, personal productivity, and “radical self-love”—the insistence that, in spite of all evidence to the…

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A Tweet of Two Sandwiches

Last week, a corner of the internet went 100 percent gorillashit over a tweet comparing Taylor Swift’s vagina to a messy ham sandwich. And why shouldn’t it? It is gold-standard content, delightfully shocking and utterly insane. Several times that day, I returned to the tweet, pleasantly agog. But other people saw something more sinister in…

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