The ‘Daily Show’ totally nails why the “dad bod” trend is problematic

Beginning Sync AdSlot 3 for Ad unit leader_a For the past couple of weeks, the “dad bod” has been sweeping the Internet as the latest “preferred” body type for men. Chris Pratt (pre-Guardians of the Galaxy), Seth Rogen, Leonardo DiCaprio, and many other celebrities fit the “trend,” and news outlets across the board were quick to praise the dad…

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Classical Mythology Too Triggering for Columbia Students – Hit & Run :

Int3gr4/Wikimedia CommonsIn Columbia University’s student newspaper, four members of the school’s student Multicultural Affairs Advisory Board call on professors to be more sensitive when teaching provocative or controversial material… such as the Roman classical poet Ovid. Ovid is best known for The Metamorphoses, a 15-book narrative poem that covers more than 250 mythological stories. Written entirely…

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Marc Andreessen and Ev Williams and Jack Dorsey Grow Lincoln Beards | Re/code

Consider this newest and perhaps hairiest of trends in Silicon Valley these days: The hipster lumbersexual has merged with the tech elite, creating the world’s wealthiest cavemen. Jack Dorsey, of Twitter and Square fame, was the first to be spotted sporting heavy chin whiskers, in a picture Kara Swisher tweeted after visiting him. She described…

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