How Companies and Services Like Facebook Are Shaped by the Programming Languages They Use | MIT Technology Review

When the Japanese computer scientist Yukihiro Matsumoto decided to create Ruby, a programming language that has helped build Twitter, Hulu, and much of the modern Web, he was chasing an idea from a 1966 science fiction novel called Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany. At the book’s heart is an invented language of the same name…

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Lena Dunham is not an anti-Semite: “Girls” star targeted yet again after controversial New Yorker piece –

Earlier this week, Lena Dunham contributed a humor piece to the “Shouts and Murmurs” column of the New Yorker, called “Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz” which lists scenarios and rhetorically asks readers to guess which applies to her dog and which applies to her boyfriend (examples: “He doesn’t tip. And he never brings his…

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How a slain Afghan woman became an unlikely champion for women’s rights – The Washington Post

KABUL — In life, Farkhunda would have been an unlikely role model for empowering Afghanistan’s women. Every day, she wore the head-to-toe black garment favored by conservative Muslim women. She studied at an Islamic religious school. She believed, her father said, that women should be educated in order to raise their children in a good…

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