Please Stop With The Holocaust Chic, It Is Not Actually A Thing | Wonkette

Sure, some might think this hip new tapestry from Urban Outfitters — yours, for only $69! — might be offensive, but that’s because they just don’t understand fashion. Or maybe they just don’t understand history: “Whether intentional or not, this gray and white stripped pattern and pink triangle combination is deeply offensive and should not be…

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[Warning: this article is a load of terrible bullshit.] The Shanley Show: Was The Whole Thing An Elaborate Hoax?

Over the past two years, Shanley Kane achieved a kind of celebrity on Twitter, where, as @shanley, she claimed to be leading a crusade for women in tech. But now some people wonder if the whole thing was a massive hoax. What’s most interesting is that, whether she intended to or not, Kane pioneered a…

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