Who Was Ahmed Merabet, the Muslim Police Officer Killed by the Charlie Hebdo Massacre? – The Atlantic

Why the death of Ahmed Merabet, one of the police officers who was killed in Wednesday’s Charlie Hebdo attack, is a vital part of the story in France. Antonio Bronic/Reuters/The Atlantic For a number of reasons, the death of Ahmed Merabet should provide a way to understand Wednesday’s horrific shooting in Paris. Merabet, one of…

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Men (on the Internet) don’t believe sexism is a problem in science, even when they see evidence – The Washington Post

Disappointing, but not surprising. (Steve Debenport/iStock) As a follow-up to recent studies on sexism and harassment in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), researchers studied the Internet’s reaction to the evidence those studies provided — and it turned out the way you’d expect, if you’ve ever been on the Internet. Male commenters flipped out. The new study’s results were published…

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13 Surprising Numbers That Sum Up What It’s Really Like to Date Today – Mic

Many drunken New Year’s resolutions concern losing weight, saving money or quitting unhealthy habits. But in the quiet of our minds, away from the midnight celebrations, many of our unspoken resolutions possess more emotional weight.  Get more into the dating scene. Lose that single status by summer. End the relationship that’s been dragging on too…

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Don’t Do This…Ever?: (an advice column for writers): “Crowd Funding” edition | Trout Nation

The internet book world has been abuzz with discussion about the ethics and logistics of crowd funding books. Well, not books, really. They’ve been talking about crowd funding an author’s career. When author Stacey Jay’s publisher declined to contract the next book in her YA series, she took to Kickstarter to fund the project. This isn’t uncommon,…

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Among the Disrupted – NYTimes.com

Photo Credit Joon Mo Kang close shareTools Amid the bacchanal of disruption, let us pause to honor the disrupted. The streets of American cities are haunted by the ghosts of bookstores and record stores, which have been destroyed by the greatest thugs in the history of the culture industry. Writers hover between a decent poverty…

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