Organizational Debt

We all know that classic aphorism: Year comes to an end, Rust blog post press send. This is mine. There are lots of cool technical improvements to Rust that I want the project to achieve this year, and a few in particular that I’m definitely going to be putting a lot of time into. But…

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I have resigned as the WordPress accessibility team lead. Here is why. – Rian Rietveld

.entry-header .post-thumbnail This post is written with the Gutenberg editor version 3.9.0. Disclaimer: This post is my opinion and mine alone. After several years of working on WordPress and accessibility and being part of the accessibility team, I have taken the very difficult decision to leave the WordPress accessibility team. I owe it to the…

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Chrome and Stale-While-Revalidate

Chrome is looking at adding support for RFC5861’s stale-while-revalidate, which is really cool. I wrote about the details of SwR when it first became an RFC, but its application to browsers is something that’s a new. Seems like a good time to answer a few potential questions. What’s stale-while-revalidate For? I originally designed SwR when…

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