Deal reached to boost California’s minimum wage to $15, avoiding ballot box battle – LA Times

Lawmakers and labor unions have struck a tentative deal to raise the statewide minimum wage to $10.50 an hour next year and then gradually to $15, averting a costly political campaign this fall and possibly putting California at the forefront of a national movement. The deal was confirmed Saturday afternoon by sources close to the negotiations…

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Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here’s why | Thomas Frank | Opinion | The Guardian

Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their…

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Our politics are broken and toxic: How both party elites betrayed our trust, birthed Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump –

Bernie Sanders’ victory in Michigan Tuesday may have terrified Democratic Party elites and liberal pragmatists all over, but it reflects something much more fateful than a serve or a curveball in these primary games. It suggests that more Americans than just 20-somethings are awakening to a reality much harder and darker than anything this election alone…

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What It’s Really Like to Risk It All in Silicon Valley –

Before Nathalie Miller decided to walk away from Instacart, the grocery delivery start-up now worth more than $2 billion, she made a spreadsheet to analyze how much money she was leaving on the table. She had been Instacart’s 20th employee, managing operations during a period of extremely rapid growth, and the sum could have been…

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