A Look Inside the Sweetest Corporate Director Posts in America – Bloomberg Business

Outsize pay for chief executive officers has been a bone of contention among shareholder activists for years. What’s less known is that the directors on board-compensation committees — the very people who decide to give out those large CEO salaries, bonuses, and stock grants — also tend to pay themselves and other directors extremely well….

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McDonald’s Can’t Figure Out How Its Workers Survive on Minimum Wage – The Atlantic

Well this is both embarrassing and deeply telling. In what appears to have been a gesture of goodwill gone haywire, McDonald’s recently teamed up with Visa to create a financial planning site for its low-pay workforce. Unfortunately, whoever wrote the thing seems to have been literally incapable of imagining of how a fast food employee…

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Should You Repay Your Employees’ Student Loans?: Associations Now

Should You Repay Your Employees’ Student Loans?   What’s This? Associations Now Brand Connection provides opportunities for advertisers to connect with the Associations Now audience. All content is paid for by the advertiser. The Associations Now editorial staff is not involved in creating this content.   A growing trend in the financial and consulting sectors…

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For freelancers, getting stiffed is part of the job. Some in New York City want to fix it. – The Washington Post

The freelance life. (Photo by flickr user @eekim, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License) Rachel Northrop shouldn’t have to use her credit card to buy groceries. She’s a successful young professional, after all, freelancing for several trade journals about tea and coffee production after having published a book on the subject in 2013. But…

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