Men’s Lib! – The New York Times

Photo Credit Illustration by John Whitlock, Photographs From Getty Images SO far the gender revolution has been a one-sided effort. Women have entered previously male precincts of economic and political life, and for the most part they have succeeded. They can lead companies, fly fighter jets, even run for president. But along the way something…

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“What’s It Worth To You?” Charging For Emotional Labor Is An Inherently Feminist Act. — Medium

“These girls have to deal with men in their lives every day…they don’t listen to them, they don’t even ask them what they want. All we have to do is ask them what they want. And when they tell you, it’s a beautiful thing, man. We’re like healers or something.” — Donald Glover in Magic Mike XXL There’s…

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The High Cost of Instagram Modeling – The Daily Beast

Australian Essena O’Neill caused a stir when she quit her Instagram modeling career and lambasted the vainglorious “industry.” Even compared to the horror stories about abuse and exploitation in traditional modeling, this sounds exhausting and thankless. And yet it’s typical for New Media and for industries that have been “disrupted” by tech. I found Essena…

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I have a Master’s degree and a full-time job—and I’m still applying for food stamps

For millions of Americans, it’s not getting better. While the national unemployment rate has been on a downward trend in recent years—after reaching a high of 10 percent in October 2009—not everyone has been able to enjoy those benefits. According to a recent report from the Orlando Sun-Sentinel, the paper found that food stamp rates…

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