“Your Mom Isn’t Here” Jobs…

Live from (Outside of) New York ComicCon: We Have (Close to the Equivalent of) Replicators: So Why Do We (Still) Have Non Personal-Service Jobs? We grow things–but fewer and fewer of us do. We make things–but fewer and fewer of us do. We provide personal services–non-information and information. What else do we do? It strikes…

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It’s sleazy, it’s totally illegal, and yet it could become the future of retirement – The Washington Post

(bigstockphoto) Over 100 years ago in America — before Social Security, before IRAs, corporate pensions and 401(k)s — there was a ludicrously popular (and somewhat sleazy) retirement scheme called the tontine. At their peak, around the turn of the century, tontines represented nearly two-thirds of the American insurance market, holding about 7.5 percent of national…

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Amazon enters ‘gig economy’ with Uber-for-packages service | Technology | The Guardian

Amazon has made its first serious foray into the so-called “gig economy”, advertising for part-time delivery drivers in Seattle as part of a programme called “Amazon Flex”. The drivers, who will be delivering packages ordered through its same-hour delivery product Amazon Prime Now, will be paid between $18-$25 an hour to work for the company,…

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Corporate mindfulness is bullsh*t: Zen or no Zen, you’re working harder and being paid less – Salon.com

Mindfulness has become a household word. Time magazine’s cover of a youthful blond woman peacefully blissing out anchors the feature story, ‘Mindful Revolution.’ From endorsements by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Goldie Hawn, to monks, neuroscientists, and meditation coaches rubbing shoulders with CEOs at the World Economic Forum in Davos, it is clear that mindfulness has…

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