The 401(k) is a monster

“The individual system with the 401(k) is a monster, especially for people 60 years old or more,” says Angelien Kemna, a leading European investor and pension executive. Kemna is no bleeding-heart liberal. She arrived at this conclusion after leaving one of the top private-sector jobs in global finance—CIO and CEO of ING Investment Management in…

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What Happened to Occupy Wall Street? – The Atlantic

On her first campaign stop in Iowa in April, Hillary Clinton struck a decisively populist tone, declaring that “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.” Later, she sharpened her rhetoric on income inequality by comparing the salaries of America’s richest hedge fund managers with kindergarten teachers.   Clinton isn’t alone….

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Britain’s ‘Sharing Economy’ Is Creating a Desperate Servant Underclass | VICE | United States

Black cab drivers gum up a London street to protest against Uber. Photo by Chem Squier. This article originally appeared on VICE UK. It was seven o’clock on a cold January evening when Orhan, a taxi driver for Uber, first realized he had a problem. Well into his second shift of the day, he tried…

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Will Advances in Technology Create a Jobless Future? | MIT Technology Review

Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of articles about the effects of software and automation on the economy. You can read the other stories here and here. The way Hod Lipson describes his Creative Machines Lab captures his ambitions: “We are interested in robots that create and are creative.” Lipson, an engineering…

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The Racial Wage Gap in Retail Is Atrocious — The Cut

Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images According to a new report, minorities who work in retail earn less and are less likely to be promoted than their white counterparts. The study, released yesterday by the NAACP and public-policy group Demos, found that retailers pay black and Latino full-time salespeople about 75 percent of what they pay…

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Yahoo Finance Exclusive: Bloomberg employees sue for overtime pay – Yahoo Finance

google_ad_section_start Yahoo has learned of new developments in a lawsuit filed against Bloomberg LP by the law firm Getman Sweeney in 2014. The original complaint filed alleged that the financial software and media company violated federal law by failing to compensate hundreds of former and current employees for overtime pay beginning in 2012. Bloomberg LP is run by Michael Bloomberg who…

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