Getting A Job At McDonald’s Harder Than Getting Accepted To The Ivy League | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Dark Bid In society, exclusivity creates desirability. Whether it’s that special country club or elite college, privilege is defined by the rejection rate. In the previous era, the Ivy League was one of those prized organizations, and McDonald’s was the exact opposite. Now, the New Normal has seized our social convention and turned…

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How Baltimore’s Curfew Is Hurting Night-Shift Workers – CityLab

BALTIMORE—Sinai Hospital in Northwest Baltimore received no credible threats in the wake of violent clashes between residents and police on Monday. So there were no National Guard soldiers or armored vehicles stationed out front, like there were at Johns Hopkins Hospital in East Baltimore. But it was far from business as usual at Sinai. Things…

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Big Mac Test Shows Job Market Is Not Working to Distribute Wealth –

Photo In Brooklyn, signs for demonstrators seeking higher wages are stored along Flatbush Avenue. Credit Lucas Jackson/Reuters Some 15 years ago, searching for a consistent way to compare wages of equivalent workers across the world, Orley Ashenfelter, an economics professor at Princeton University, came upon McDonald’s. The uniform, highly scripted production methods used throughout the…

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Nick Denton ‘intensely relaxed’ by Gawker’s union drive | Capital New York

paging_filterOn Thursday afternoon, Gawker senior writer Hamilton Nolan announced that Gawker’s editorial staff had decided to try to form a union. The day before, Nolan wrote, Gawker staffers had met with representatives of the Writers Guild of America. Shortly after Nolan’s post was published, Gawker employees discussed the potential union during their weekly “all-hands” editorial meeting. A…

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Pulitzer Winner Left Journalism for a PR Job So He Could Pay His Rent

One of today’s Pulitzer winners for local reporting isn’t actually a reporter anymore. The Daily Breeze’s Rob Kuznia won the prize alongside Rebecca Kimitch for a series on corruption in the Torrance, California school district. Now the former reporter, who had more than 15 years’ experience covering local affairs, is celebrating the career high in…

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