$100,000 and up is not enough – even the ‘rich’ live paycheck to paycheck | Business | The Guardian

Marguerita Cheng, a certified financial planner and CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth, has a client in the Washington, DC area who makes $450,000 to $600,000 a year but lives paycheck to paycheck. He spends a lot of it on keeping peace with his ex-wife. Related: Guardian readers: US middle class is ‘living from one…

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“The Most Extreme Point Of Stock Market Overvaluation In History” | Zero Hedge

Excerpted from John Hussman’s Weekly Comment, The atmosphere is getting thin up here, and every ounce counts triple when you’re climbing in rarefied air. While near-term market dynamics are more likely to be impacted by Friday’s employment report than any other factor, our broad view remains that stocks are in the late-stage top formation of…

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Incompetent Bailout Chief and Unrepentant All-Purpose Failure Ascends to Minneapolis Fed Presidency

Neel Kashkari, the at-the-time little-known Goldman Sachs banker who was put in charge (by Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson) of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (that is, the bank bailouts) in 2008, has been named the new president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. As head of TARP, Kashkari was responsible…

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I have a Master’s degree and a full-time job—and I’m still applying for food stamps

For millions of Americans, it’s not getting better. While the national unemployment rate has been on a downward trend in recent years—after reaching a high of 10 percent in October 2009—not everyone has been able to enjoy those benefits. According to a recent report from the Orlando Sun-Sentinel, the paper found that food stamp rates…

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Goodbye Middle Class: 51% Of All American Workers Make Less Than $30,000 A Year | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is dying.  According to brand new numbers that were just released by the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all workers in the United States make less than $30,000 a year.  Let…

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