About That Dumb Star Wars Boycott « terribleminds: chuck wendig

*pinches bridge of nose* *exhales noisily* Of course there’s a Star Wars Episode VII boycott. And there’s a hashtag to boot. Because of course there’s a hashtag. One-click buffet-style serving of shittiness, coming right up. (Behold, the Mary Sue article about it.) Apparently people are mad because blah blah black dude protagonist with a lightsaber, or…

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Coffee Talk | The New York Public Library

Coffee Shop menu. Image ID: 3971464 Coffee… just thinking about it is lighting up caffeine receptors in my brain. Coffee is a brewed beverage made from the roasted seeds (referred to as beans) of the coffee plant, most commonly coffea arabica. Coffee plants are native to Ethiopia and the Sudan; the practice of drinking coffee…

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Fran Krause’s Deep Dark Fears Book Is Full of Things You Didn’t Know To Be Afraid Of

We’ve celebrated Fran Krause’s Deep Dark Fears tumblr before—it’s a collection of really insane comics about truly bizarre things to be afraid of. A lot of them are very outlandish or sort of existential, or just very goofy. And now, he’s got a book of new comics, and we’ve got an exclusive first peek. http://www.amazon.com/Deep-Dark-Fear……

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10 Space Empires That Actually Make Economic Sense

‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads = ‘1’; google_ad_type = ‘text’; google_feedback = ‘on’; google_skip = google_adnum; google_ad_channel = ‘1102379497’; Everybody loves a huge space empire. A far-flung interplanetary civilization…

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