Shadows of the Empire: The Best Star Wars Spinoff Before Rogue One – Thrillist

IN LATE 1994, LUCASFILM HELD A SERIES OF TOP-SECRET MEETINGS with Star Warslicensees. On the agenda: how to invigorate a lucrative movie franchise that hadn’t released a movie for more than a decade. Out of those brainstorming sessions — attended by Bantam author Steve Perry and representatives from LucasArts, among others — emerged a 25-page outline for…

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The Case Against La La Land

“That’s L.A.—they worship everything and they value nothing,” sighs Ryan Gosling’s La La Land character Sebastian. I’m not sure if this is a critique or a mission statement. Perhaps it’s both. Certainly, a movie that forces you to endure Gosling and Emma Stone sing multiple songs is trading in the crass depths of celebrity culture….

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The Year in Overrated Pop Culture

“A MASTERPIECE” reads the poster of Kenneth Lonergan’s Manchester by the Sea in a font larger than the title. It’s a font so large that the blur of motion doesn’t render it illegible—it’s in, I think, every subway station along New York’s L line, which means I’m confronted at least a few times on most…

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#DumpStarWars Crybabies Struggle to Save Face After Blockbuster Rogue One Opening

Images: Getty Rogue One made box office history on its opening weekend, bringing around $155 million in North America and another $135.5 million overseas, making it the top movie globally and the second highest grossing December opening in North America on record. It seems the right-wingers’ #DumpStarWars movement—a boycott of Rogue One, which prominent conservative…

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If ‘Rogue One’ Is So Progressive, Where the Heck Are All the Women? | The Daily Dot

This article includes no major spoilers for Rogue One.The idea that Rogue One is groundbreakingly feminist has always been pretty bizarre. Jyn Erso’s protagonist status is equal to Rey’s in The Force Awakens, and besides: Every other main character is a man. While Rogue One was being promoted (and protested) as a female-led sci-fi blockbuster, its trailers remained…

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