Jena Malone’s Secret Batman v Superman Role Is No Longer a Secret

The long-running saga of Jena Malone’s mysterious Batman v Superman role is seemingly over. After being rumored and rumored for ages—and after Malone was cut from the film’s theatrical release altogether—Warner Bros. has accidentally revealed her character’s identity in a very dumb way.… The news comes from a screenshot posted to Reddit of a…

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Ahmed Best Is a Darth Jar Jar Truther

Jamie Stangroom—he of the fascinatingly tragic interview with actor Ahmed Best earlier this year—sat down with the man behind Jar Jar Binks again. This time the two discussed the infamous, ludicrous “Darth Jar Jar” theory that Jar Jar was a Sith Lord working with Palpatine in the prequels. Best’s surprising response: “There’s a lot about…

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Ahmed Best Is a Darth Jar Jar Truther

Jamie Stangroom—he of the fascinatingly tragic interview with actor Ahmed Best earlier this year—sat down with the man behind Jar Jar Binks again. This time the two discussed the infamous, ludicrous “Darth Jar Jar” theory that Jar Jar was a Sith Lord working with Palpatine in the prequels. Best’s surprising response: “There’s a lot about…

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