I’m So Damn Tired of Slave Movies

The Birth of a Nation, Nate Parker’s Sundance darling period piece about the deadliest slave insurrection in American history, was purchased by Fox Searchlight on early Tuesday morning for $17.5 million. It was the largest deal in Sundance history, and coverage immediately suggested that The Birth of a Nation will function as some way through…

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New research has uncovered a disturbing trend about female characters in Disney movies – Quartz

Disney’s early princess movies offer heroines that are strikingly similar: soft-spoken, ethereally beautiful, and willing to endure hardship and humiliation without a peep of complaint. Today, Disney’s princesses are a sassier, pluckier bunch. But research has found a surprising trend: Even when they have the starring role, women speak only a minority of the dialogue—and…

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The Oscar Whiteness Machine – The New Yorker

The failure of the Academy Awards to recognize black performers and filmmakers creates a dangerously circular system that robs the next generation of daring and diverse cinema. Credit Photograph by Toby Canham / Getty Barrier Status: ‘none’ The Oscars almost never get it right. Alfred Hitchcock never won one; Elaine May has never won one….

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