Honest Trailer – Labyrinth – YouTube

Sign up for ScreenJunkies Plus Now! ►► http://www.screenjunkies.com/plus Since we had to say goodbye to David Bowie so soon, we decided to honor him by reviewing that one weird kid’s movie he was in that was way worse than we remember. Got a tip? Email us ► tips@screenjunkies.com Follow us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/screenjunkies Like…

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Hollywood Sure Loves Sequels: For The Second Year In A Row, Zero Actors Of Color Get Oscar Nominations | ThinkProgress

Another year, another #OscarsSoWhite: Despite 2015 being the year that brought us the stunning Beasts of No Nation, the sleeper-smash Straight Outta Compton, Spike Lee’s satire Chi-raq, and Creed, confirmation for anyone still doubting whether or not Michael B. Jordan is a movie star, exactly zero actors of color were nominated for an Academy Award…

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