Darth Jar Jar

So first, let’s establish Jar Jar as a skilled warrior. While this does not in itself necessitate a connection with the Physical Force, it’s highly suggestive in the Star Wars universe– very rarely do we see “normal” characters exhibiting extraordinary stuntwork or physical feats unless they are Jedi, Sith, or at least force sensitives. So…

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Blade Runner – A Screening and Panel Discussion | The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research

November 7th, 2015 at the Brooklyn Commons, 7pm Join us for a screening of Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic Blade Runner followed by a panel discussion in conjunction with our upcoming course Replaceable Parts: Becoming Cyborg in America. Panelists will discuss the film through the lens of contemporary technology studies, cybernetics, and cyborg theory while paying particular attention to questions of media, mediation,…

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The destruction of Alderaan was completely justified – The Washington Post

Darth Vader after boarding Princess Leia’s ship in “Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope.” (Credit: Lucasfilm) The Daily Beast’s Asawin Suebsaeng recently noted that “neoconservative Twitter” loves the Intergalactic Empire, the putative villains of the “Star Wars” universe, prompting much harrumphing from people who think this is nothing but petty trolling. As I always…

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